Published on December 24, 2002 By Cyberjack In WinCustomize Talk
What do "you" do when you start a new skin, is there different tacticts out there.. ?
Amateur´s and Pro´s please help me with this question


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on Dec 24, 2002
Well what do you want to start skinning?

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on Dec 24, 2002
Different folks will go about the same project in different ways, and different skinnables, may be approached differently. Listen to elvee and tell us what you want to skin.
on Dec 24, 2002
Yes, i forgot, i am thinking mainly about windowblinds skins..... for WinXP

on Dec 24, 2002
Well Aleksyandr has a excellent Windowblinds tutorial

And you can also try here at

SkinStudio is a tool for making WindowBlind Skins

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on Dec 24, 2002
I found another tutorial at

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on Dec 24, 2002
Yes, thanx, I have been there already, but i am asking you skinners what "you" do when "you" start skinning WB SKinz ......
Can I make a big picture etc. to use with startbar and cut and paste those pic where they belong, I know about that stretch and tile func. in Skinstudio and that I cant use the whole pic....

Object Desktop Owner!!!

on Dec 24, 2002
Ahh! Clarification Well sorry friend i can't help you there as i have never skinned WindowBlinds, but asking that question to ten different Blinds Skinners and you will probably get ten different answers. I have heard some skinners say that they would take an exsisting skin, open it up and take a look at how it is put together. That way you can get a rough idea of what you can and cannot do.

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on Dec 24, 2002
Ok ;o)
Thanx Sir Elvee... for your time and effort to try help me

on Dec 24, 2002
for skinning a windoblindskin, i use skinstudio...
on Dec 24, 2002
And a Merry Christmas to you too

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on Dec 24, 2002
Hey Styl SKinner...
Yes i will use SkinStudio too , but what technics do u use, on the startbar, do u make a big picture and copy and paste the parts in smaller pics : like "task-leftpannel.bmp" .......

on Dec 24, 2002
How about sizing the graphics to the size you want and work from there.

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on Dec 24, 2002
I start with the main things, like the frames, backgrounds, and then work gradually to the more detailed things like treeview and buttons, fonts and font colours.

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on Dec 24, 2002
I am a bit backwards, hehe
The first thing I "must" skin is that big "startmenubar" menu with "all programs" and userpic and name.
But I understand what you guys are saying...
I have making graphics for years , for homepages,3D and stuff..... so its just time before I start doing this skinning stuff... looking forward to serve you my first skinn.
But the negative part is that I am a "perfectionist" kind of dude,hehe
I must make the perfect skin before i publish the skin

wish me luck....
Thanks Dudes!!!

Happy 1day of Christmas


on Dec 24, 2002
Well, I wish you luck bholmsen. Remember whats perfect for you might not be perfect for someone else. So just do it until your happy with it and upload it.

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